09 November 2016 | Whale Watching
Today was overcast but it didn't affect our sisghtinga at all...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, November 9 2016

Guide Summary and Photographs
What a beautiful clear day with lots of sunshine.
Today we launched two trips today and headed straight to Pearly Beach to find the Southern Right whales. On our morning trip we had two cow-calf pairs very close to shore. Due to some swells running in we couldn’t go to close but still had a nice look at these gentle giants. We also passed the Cape Fur seal colony on Geyser Rock. A lot of them have had a swim in the world famous waters of Shark Alley to cool themselves down. We also managed to have a glimpse of some Great White sharks in the Joubertsdam, where all the shark cage diving vessel anchor during summer time.
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