21 October 2015
We had mother and calf sightings throughout the whole day...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, October 21 2015

Guide Summary and Photographs
We had mother and calf sightings throughout the whole day. In the morning the sun was shining, but the sky was covered in clouds soon. Even it was a bit cloudy, it didn’t scare our animals away. We had am close approach during our second trip. One of the calves was curious and wanted to have a closer look at our vessel Dream Catcher. The mother was a bit reserved, she came closer as well but then swam away with her calf. We also saw some of the African penguins on Dyer Island and the Cape Fur seals on Geyser Rock. On our last trip we had a visitor from far away we don’t get to see that often, a Giant petrel landed close to our boat. Amazing to see these birds with their big wingspan.
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