Daily Blog 12 November 2017
We are very fortunate to still have our friendly gentle giants in the bay...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, November 12 2017

Guide Summary and Photographs
We are very fortunate to still have our friendly gentle giants in the bay. This time two years ago the Southern right whales were gone. We only had to travel one trip to Pearly Beach where we were very pleased to see quite a couple of mom’s and calves rolling around. Some calves are already more than half the size of their mother, which means, soon they will start migrating south. Bur for now we are still enjoying the great whale sightings on every trip.
On Geyser Rock we are starting to see more and more seal pups, as we are going into their breeding season. We also see lots of big bulls on the island barking at each other and calling females closer to their piece of island. It’s also breeding season for the Bank cormorant and we have four nests on the keel of the Prince Port. We really hope they will be successful in raising their chicks, as these birds are also on the endangered species list.
On the last trip for the day, on our way home, we had a brief look at a Humpback whale just behind Geyser Rock.
Written by our guide Karli van Straten
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