Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 26 October
Written by Media, October 26 2022
Guide Summary and Photographs
Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.
Trip Summary 26 October 2022:
Today the ocean was in movement with some swell and wind from the east, but we had good sightings of whales, sharks, fur seals, and penguins. Shortly after leaving Kleinbaai harbour we found some southern right whales, all mother, and calf pairs. On the first tour, we had a calf breaching several times and on the second tour, we had some close-up looks at a mother and her calf. On our way to the island, we stopped at the shark cage diving boat and saw bronze whaler sharks passing inform of the cage. Today we passed through Shark Alley before heading closer to Dyer Island for the endangered African Penguin.
Trip 1
Trip 2
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