12 July 2014
The two trips we had on Whale Whisperer today were both unforgettable
Written by Marine Volunteer, July 12 2014

Guide Summary and Photographs
The two trips we had on Whale Whisperer today were both unforgettable! Near Pearly Beach we encountered a very curious juvenile Southern Right whale which swam right up to the boat, even passing underneath it. Even though it was a youngster it made the boat seem very small! After leaving this whale we spotted humpbacks breaching in the distance. On the second trip we decided to head back to Pearly Beach to try and spot the curious Southern Right whale we encountered on our first trip. It was indeed still in the area and was again very curious, coming close to the boat and checking us out. The whale even treated us to a few magnificent breaches. Towards the end of our day we headed off towards Dyer Island where several large sharks gave the boat a couple close passes. Overall a very rewarding day…-Rosie Bowyer (Marine Volunteer)
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