13 October 2013
The day started off overcast but soon turned sunny and warm with only a little wind...
Written by Helen, October 13 2013
Guide Summary and Photographs
The day started off overcast but soon turned sunny and warm with only a little wind. The whales behaviour seemed to mimic the weather today, starting out with some slightly shy whales and relaxing mother-calf pairs. As the sun came out the whales got a bit more active, finding a small mating group in Pearly Beach and getting a few nice breaches! Along with the action came a large pod of Bottlenose dolphins, this was very exciting as it’s been quite a while since we’d seen a full pod of the Bottlenose dolphins, a welcome sight indeed! To top the day off we got a real treat in spotting a brindle calf – a calf that is born primarily white – only 4% of all calves are born brindle and this was our first sighting of a little white calf for this season! Hopefully we’ll be seeing lots more of this little brindle whale, truly a gorgeous sight…
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