25 October 2013
The day brought mist and rain with it but luckily the wet weather doesn’t affect the whale sightings...
Written by Helen, October 25 2013
Guide Summary and Photographs
The day brought mist and rain with it but luckily the wet weather doesn’t affect the whale sightings! We had six different mother calf pairs today, finding most of them quite shallow playing in the small swells. We had one little calf in particular who was trying her best to get mum to play with her by rolling around on top of mum and diving underneath her, but unfortunately for the calf, mum was having none of it! Instead the calf gave us a nice semi breach and close approach before diving right under the boat. We also got to see “Spotty” again today, who said a quick hello before heading on his way again. The whales may not mind the rain, but I’m still rooting for the sun to come back tomorrow…
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