29 October 2013

We had a variety of sightings today, from Southern Right whale mother calf pairs, entangled seals and injured Cape gannets, it was a broad spectrum...

Written by Helen, October 30 2013

29 October 2013

Guide Summary and Photographs

We had a variety of sightings today, from Southern Right whale mother calf pairs, entangled seals and injured Cape gannets, it was a broad spectrum!  Throughout the day we had three different mother calf pairs, including “Spotty” the little calf who all of us on the Whale Whisperer have come to adore.  Swimming around Geyser rock today there was one little seal that has a rather large net entangled around his neck, a sad story as the net will begin to cut off his circulation as he grows larger.  We attempted to have the seal swim closer to the boat so we could aid in disentangling him, but he was unfortunately too shy.  We also came across a Cape Gannet who was incredibly tame in the water, this behaviour instantly drew red flags and upon further inspection he appears to have a deep wound on his neck, hence we’ll help nurse him back to health before releasing him back into the wild.  Just goes to show that each day brings something new…

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