7 August 2016 | Marine Big 5 Safari
We definitely had a lovely Sunday out at sea...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, August 7 2016

Guide Summary and Photographs
We definitely had a lovely Sunday out at sea. It was a cloudy and grey morning but cleared up towards the end of the day.
We had an early start this morning but it was definitely worth it. On our first trip we spotted two humpback whales breaching once and then lob tailing. On our second trip we encountered a single humpback whale behind Geyser Rock . The third trip of the day was just as exciting, it took a little longer to spot the whales but we found three Southern Right whales towards Pearly Beach. They were traveling alongside the vessel, showed off their flukes, took a deep dive and disappeared.
On all three trips we encountered our Indian Ocean Humpback dolphins close to Uilenkraalsmond. It’s nice to see familiar faces, one of them was a female named Captain Hook with her calf, Big Z.
Further we viewed the Cape Fur seals on Geyser Rock and a white shark around the shark cage diving vessels. It was also great to see all the marine birds during our trip. We saw a few Shy albatross, one Yellow-Nosed albatross, but some Cape gannets also crossed our way.
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