15 October 2016 | Boat Based Whale Watching
We ran two really successful whale watches today in nice, calm seas and saw a number of Southern Right whales on both trips...
Written by Dyer Island Cruises, October 15 2016

Guide Summary and Photographs
We ran two really successful whale watches today in nice, calm seas and saw a number of Southern Right whales on both trips.
On the first tour we went to Pearly Beach and got to see a number of whales. After spending time with a mother and her calf we moved off to some more active whales. These whales appeared to be two mum and calf pairs and were rolling around at the surface, and for a short time gave us some incredible looks as they came right over to Dream Catcher to take a look at us. The best whale watching experience you can have, we think, is when not only are you watching the whales but the whales are watching you back.
On the second tour we again spent time with mum and calf pairs. One pair was close to Dyer Island and then we went very close look at a pair of whales there that were very chilled out next to the boat. As the calves get bigger they are becoming more independent and more curious. It is wonderful to see.
On both tours we got to see a Great White shark and the awesome Cape Fur seal colony on Geyser Rock. On the first tour we also briefly spotted some African penguins sitting on Dyer Island.