18 September 2016 | Whale Tours South Africa
After two no sea days due to bad weather we got back out on the water today ...
Written by Dyer Island Cruises, September 18 2016

Guide Summary and Photographs
After two no sea days due to some bad weather we got back out on the water today and the morning weather was beautiful. We went to our usual whale watching spot near Pearly Beach and found two Southern Right whales slowly traveling. The whales were not taking long dives and we got some nice looks at them both. One was a smaller individual, probably a sub-adult. We also got to see a Great White shark when we stopped by our other boat Slashfin.
On the afternoon trip the wind picked up a little. As we were going out we saw a huge flock of Cape cormorants, with hundreds of birds close together. We went back to Pearly Beach but sadly could not find the Southern Right whales we had been watching earlier. However, in the deeper water we found a Humpback whale. This whale was very difficult to follow as it was changing direction a lot, but we got a few looks at it before we had to head home.
On both tours we stopped by the Cape Fur seal colony on Geyser Rock and as usual the juveniles put on a great display as they rolled around in the water right next to the boat.
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