22 September 2016 | Boat Based Whale Watching
We truly had amazing sightings, which we can’t describe with words...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, September 22 2016
Guide Summary and Photographs
Today we experienced some south easterly winds and pretty clear blue skies all day.
On our first trip we moved in the direction towards Danger Point to see what we can spot. First we spotted some Humpback whales and then we saw a Brydes whale. The Brydes whales are usually shy and tend to move off as we stop. This whale also disappeared but we were hanging around to have a look at the bait-ball next to the vessel before moving off to Dyer Island. While busy watching the small fish trying to escape from the seabirds, the Brydes whale shot out of the water. This maneuver can be identified as lunge feeding, which refers to the feeding style. Wow! Even our wildlife spotter, who has been working on the boat for many years, hasn’t seen a Bryde’s whale lunge feed like this before, so we were super lucky. A Shy albatross also decided to take a break close to our vessel and was resting on the surface for a few moments.
On the second and third trip we headed towards Pearly Beach and were lucky to find some Southern Right whales. On both trips we had two adults traveling alongside the vessel towards the island. We also managed to see a Great White shark on our first trip and some African penguins as well on the others.
We also visited the Cape Fur seals on Geyser Rock, the most favorite prey for the Great Whites. A lot of them were playing in the world famous waters of Shark Alley and some others were lazy and laying on Geyser Rock.
We truly had amazing sightings today!
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