31 March 2016
We had two wonderful sightings out on the water today…
Written by Jax, April 1 2016

Guide Summary and Photographs
We had two wonderful sightings out on the water today…
A Sub Antarctic Skua joined us for the first leg of our journey towards the shallows. Although relatively drab in colour, these birds have a distinct beauty to them and we always enjoy having them fly alongside the boat.
The temperature out at sea today was a little chilly and we experienced some rain on the way to the shark cage diving. We stopped alongside one of the boats and were able to witness a beautiful shark swimming around our boat. The visibility was pretty great today which allowed for us to see the shark’s individual markings. These markings allow for the biologists on our sister boat to identify the animals in the bay which aids our on-going research on white sharks.
Following this, we began to make our way towards the island before we spotted an amazing sight. Thousands of Cape Cormorants were making their way out to sea and so we headed in their direction. When these birds flock in such large numbers, it is truly a spectacle to behold, at one point, it appeared as through we were surrounded by the cormorants and all we could hear was the flustering of wings.
Our next awesome sighting was that of a Bryde’s whale and her calf. These whales are notoriously shy and so it was absolutely amazing to have them come up within such close proximity to the boat. These whales usually disappear after coming up once or twice but today the came up numerous times, almost showing off.
This was an awesome way to end a trip and certainly one that we will all remember.
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