Daily Trip 04 July 2017

What a day, we couldn’t ask for more species...

Written by Sandra Hoerbst, July 4 2017

Daily Trip 04 July 2017

Guide Summary and Photographs

What a day, we couldn’t ask for more species.

The trip started from the Kleinbaai harbour and we were slowly cruising towards Pearly Beach. In Pearly Beach we were looking out for some spouts and spotted a Indian Ocean Humpback dolphin, traveling close to shore. We spend a few minutes with the dolphin and were happy to see one, as they believed to be the most endangered cetaceans along our coast line.

Further along the way into deeper water we spotted four African penguins popping out their head to have a look at us. As we reached the 50m mark, Kira, spotted as spout of two Humpback whales traveling together. They were playing hide and seek with us and came always up at the back of our vessel, but we still had a great view.

We continued our tour towards Dyer Island to stop in Shark Alley and see the Cape Fur seals on Geyser Rock. The little island has been very full with seals and some more were swimming in the alley too cool down. As it has been such e beautiful day, with perfect sea conditions, we made w big turn behind the island s and spotted a lot of different seabirds. A few Giant petrels were resting on the water as well as some Pintado petrels in between. We also saw a Shy albatross gliding over the calm ocean.

On the way back to the harbour we got surprised with hundreds of Common dolphins, bow riding the vessel and traveling alongside the boat. Common dolphin encounters are always great as they like to interact with the boats. Just before reaching port we had to stop once again for a Sothern Right whale moving into deeper water. We are truly lucky with two dolphin species and two different baleen whale species of the rorqual family.













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