5 October 2015
Although the wind was blowing in the morning we had amazing sightings of marine wildlife...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, October 5 2015

Guide Summary and Photographs
Although the wind was blowing in the morning we had amazing sightings of marine wildlife. In the morning we were busy watching a mother with her calf close to our vessel Dream Catcher, when of a sudden another calf started breaching a bit further off. In total we managed to see four different mothers with their calves today. We also spotted a Great White shark swimming close to our vessel and on the second trip we managed to see a shark around Slashfin, the Shark cage diving vessel from our sister company. Just before heading to Shark Alley we had a look at the African penguins on Dyer Island. The seals on Geyser Rock were quite lazy today, most of them were sleeping and enjoying the sun.