Daily Blog 03 January 2018
It has been a hot summer day with some wind from south east...
Written by Sandra Hoerbst, January 3 2018

Guide Summary and Photographs
It has been a hot summer day with some wind from south east. Due to low tide we launched from Gansbaai harbour and made our way around Danger Point. Before reaching the lighthouse we have been lucky to spot a Bryde’s whale. After spending some time watching the whale taking some breaths at the surface we moved on around Danger Point toward Dyer Island. We drove around the island with a short stop on the lee side to learn more about the birds and the island itself. As usual we passed numerous times the Cape Fur seal colony to have a closer look at the curious animals. Before heading to Kleinbaai harbour we passed the shark cage diving boats and have been lucky enough to have a quick look at a white shark around one of the boats.
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