17 July 2013
We didn’t have to go far for the whales today, as we found an adult Southern Right whale just off of Dyer Island...
Written by Helen, July 17 2013

Guide Summary and Photographs
We didn’t have to go far for the whales today, as we found an adult Southern Right whale just off of Dyer Island. This was a nice large whale, with lots of girth to her, suggesting she may pregnant. There were many prominent white markings on both the ventral and dorsal sides of her tail just before the fluke. It’s these markings that indicated to Kira, our wildlife spotter, that this was one of the whales he’d seen last year, always nice to recognize an old friend! From there, we went to check out the shark activity going on at that shark boats and visited the Cape Fur seals at Geyser Rock before making a b-line back to the harbour. On our journey back we got to spot one lonely African penguin out fishing by himself. Hope he made it home safely…
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