Daily Trip 23 March 2018
Another acrobatic display by our dolphins...
Written by Will Gilmore, March 24 2018

Guide Summary and Photographs
Our first sighting today was group of very rare and very acrobatic Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphins. The dolphins began performing for us in surf zone, breaching regularly, spy hopping and even tail slapping on the water. We even noticed one of our animals has a new born calf, a great testament to marine conservation efforts around South Africa. After the dolphins grew bored of us, we made the short journey through the shallows to our sister company at the shark cage diving site. We had a bit of a wait before a very large white shark came very close to the cage, the shark didn’t surface but we still all stood in awe watching the animal.
After a short stop at the Island and our seal colony, we moved into deeper water in search of whales. Unfortunately, we were unable to spot any spouts on our travels. However, there was a verity of bird species along the way including our largest residential seabird, the beautiful cape gannet, as well as a few sooty shearwaters, a white-chinned petrel and even a little storm petrel. Unbelievably, the storm petrel is a completely pelagic seabird and can cross huge storms and swells despite only being the size of a finch. This was not to be our last sighting as we came upon two little African Penguins. We managed a quick snap of the birds before heading back into Kleinbaai Harbour after another successful trip.