Two species of whale! Marine Big 5 daily blog
Written by September 28 2020
Not one, but two species of whales! Just outside Kleinbaai harbour we spotted a Southern Right whale female with her calf. The pair was very relaxed and came up close several times so we could capture some images and have a closer look at these gentle giants. As the wind was about to pick up later, we decided to move on and were heading towards Dyer Island and Geyser Rock. Whilst observing the Cape Fur seals on playing in the waters of Shark Alley, our spotter saw some big splashes behind the island. We then decided to head out into a bit of deeper water and were amazed seeing the splashes of a Humpback whale breaching several times as well as slapping its flukes onto the surface. What an incredible sighting and special day at sea!
What species did we see today?
Southern Right Whale Southern Right Whale
Southern right whales attract thousands of visitors every year to experience these gentle giants off the South African coast.
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.