Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 02 August
Written by August 2 2023
Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.
Trip Summary 02 August 2023:
A busy day on the sea with an early start for our first trip. We encountered Humpback whales as we made our way around the point this morning with multiple spouts seen in the distance and a pair that allowed us to have a nice look at them. We spent some time around the Islands with viewings of the Cape fur seals and African penguins. The second trip launched and again encountered a pair of Humpback whales, after spending some time with them we made our way to the Islands before finding a lone Southern Right whale on the way back to land. On the third trip, we came across two adult Southern Right whales straight away, one that was moving quite quickly but the other, a very relaxed individual that gave us some stunning up-close views. We took a look at the Cape fur seals before heading back to land. The fourth and final trip of the day was a lesson in patience, we came across a mother and calf Southern Right whale pair in very shallow waters, and also not wanting to disturb them we did not get too close nor stay with them for more than a few minutes before heading into deeper waters. We searched and searched and finally got extremely lucky with a group of four adult Southern Right whales exhibiting mating behavior.
A big thank you to all our guests for the day, we hope you enjoyed your time on the sea with the Dyer Island Cruises team.
Trip 1
Trip 2
Trip 3
Trip 4
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What species did we see today?
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
Southern Right Whale Southern Right Whale
Southern right whales attract thousands of visitors every year to experience these gentle giants off the South African coast.
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.