Daily Trip Update, 01 August 2019
The Humpback whales are still streaming by....
Written by Jax Bath, August 2 2019

Daily Snaps.

A beautiful Half Breach from a Humpback whale.

This was a lone Humpback, and we had a fantastic time watching him.

We even got to see a couple of breaches!

Can you see the whales flipper on the side? Humpback whales have very long flippers, the longest of all the whales in the world.

Travelling along.

It’s always lovely to see the whales just as they surface.

Whale versus water as this beauty pushes through the swell.

Seal watching.

A Great White shark having a look.

We identify sharks using their dorsal fins.

On our second tour, we were treated to the sight of 30 African penguins on the ocean.

This is an incredible find, as they often travel alone.

Watching and waiting.

A seal giving their face a wipe down.

The houses of Dyer Island.

Our bustling colony of 60 000 seals.

Some lovely wave action behind Geyser Rock.

Whale tail! Can you see the barnacles on the tail?

A Humpback whale travelling along.

We’ve been watching mostly Humpback whales recently.

Nice and close to the boat!
What species did we see today?
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
Great white sharks Great white sharks
Gracious, beautiful, misunderstood - three words used by guests of Dyer Island Cruises after witnessing South Africa's most infamous marine species: The Great White Shark.
African Penguin African Penguin
As one of only 17 penguin species left in the world (and the only one on the african continent), the african penguin often breed in offshore colonies, such as Dyer Island.
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.