For The Second Day In A Row, We Had The Marine Big 5, 25 April 2019
Another fantastic day on a beautiful ocean.
Written by Jax Bath, April 28 2019

Daily Snaps.

Some Penguins enjoying the beach in front of their fancy new homes on Dyer Island.

One lone penguin between all the Cape Cormorants.

A juvenile swift Tern in flight.

A little African Penguin heading back home.

A big seal with a little shadow.


Two pups sticking together.

Practicing the old “safety in numbers”.

The pups adore sitting on this particular rock.

Pup staring into the distance.

So peaceful.

Enjoying some sun.

The Brydes Whale as it surfaces.

Beautiful views of these shy animals.

When they arch their backs like this, it is indicative of a deeper dive.

A Copper Shark.

Oupa, one of our favourite Humpback Dolphins.

Just as Oupa surfaces.

Oupa had a very distinct dorsal fin.
What species did we see today?
Brydes Whale Brydes Whale
The mysterious Bryde's whales visit the Dyer Island area throughout the year, with most sightings occurring during summer into winter.
Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin
Humpback dolphins are an endangered species, with small populations living very close to shore, typically in water less than 25m deep and an average home range of 120km. Their proximity to land makes these animals particularly vulnerable to human influence.