All 3 Of Our Baleen Beauties And 2 Different Species Of Shark, 17 June 2019
We hit the jackpot with our whales today, spotting Brydes, Humpbacks and even a Southern Right...
Written by Jax Bath, June 17 2019

Today's Whale Tale.
We had the most fantastic tour, with a huge diversity of species coming out to play. Due to tonight’s full moon, we’re experiencing a Spring tide. This caused us to launch out of Gansbaai Harbour, making our way around Danger Point in search of some wildlife.
Our first sighting of the day was a special one, when a Brydes Whale and her calf popped up in front of our boat. We moved parallel to this pair, waiting in anticipation for them to surface. It’s not everyday that we get to see a baby Brydes Whale, so we thoroughly enjoyed our time with this cutie until we decided to move on.
We spotted several pelagic bird species next, with Shy Albatross, Sooty Shearwaters and White Chinned Petrels soaring above the waves. Whilst travelling we spotted two spots, from two different species. A Humpback moved in the distance as a Southern Right Whale popped up next to our boat. This whale seemed to be on the move and although we only got one view, it is great to know that we can expect to see more Southern Rights coming through soon.
After waiting for the Right Whale to surface for a bit, we decided that we would try to catch up with the Humpback Whales and were treated to an awesome time with these gentle giants. The Humpbacks moved along with us, surfacing right next to our vessel and giving our guests memories sure to last a lifetime.
Our next stop was over at our Cape Fur Seal colony where our pinnipeds were up to their usual tomfoolery. We watched as some messed around in the water whilst others enjoyed a nap in the winter sun. we cruised up and down Shark Alley before making our way into the waters of Pearly Beach where we got to watch 3 African Penguins having a lovely bath. These birds were preening away as we stopped, giving us some great photographic opportunities before taking a dive.
We also picked up a piece of kelp for all aboard to sample, finding some juvenile Cape Rock Crabs amongst the leaves before making our way over to the shark cage diving boats. Here, we were once again super lucky, spotting a Copper Shark at one of the cages and being circled by a Great White Shark! We had a curious juvenile come up and give us a once over, moving from the bow to the stern before disappearing to the depths for a while. We seemed to keep this cartilaginous creature intrigued, with the shark surfacing a few minutes later to get another look before we decided to make our way back into Klienbaai harbour.
Today's Best Photos.

Look at this seal loving his ball.

We started off our trip with a Brydes Whale and her beautiful baby.

We also got to see two beautiful Humpback Whales and a brief sighting of a Southern Right Whales.

The Humpbacks gave us a super close encounter…

Popping up right in front of the boat.

We spent the bulk of our whale watching time with these two curious animals, travelling along with them.

Checking us out.

A picturesque Danger Point.

A sassy seal.

A stunning Great White Shark in The Shallows.

This shark came up to investigate us, circling Dream Catcher and giving us some awesome views.

A Copper Shark through the chaos.

Copper Sharks get their name from their golden skin.

We got to watch these penguins do some bathing.

A nice look at our only endemic penguin species.
What species did we see today?
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
Brydes Whale Brydes Whale
The mysterious Bryde's whales visit the Dyer Island area throughout the year, with most sightings occurring during summer into winter.
Southern Right Whale Southern Right Whale
Southern right whales attract thousands of visitors every year to experience these gentle giants off the South African coast.
Great white sharks Great white sharks
Gracious, beautiful, misunderstood - three words used by guests of Dyer Island Cruises after witnessing South Africa's most infamous marine species: The Great White Shark.
Bronze Whaler Shark Bronze Whaler Shark
The Bronze whaler (also known as Copper sharks) here in Kleinbaai are very curious and interactive. These sharks eat mostly fish, with sardines being one of their favourites.