Common dolphins! Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 4 May
Written by May 4 2022
Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.
Trip Summary 04 May 2022:
With some beautiful weather this afternoon, we launched from Kleinbaai Harbour. In no time, we had already spotted our first sighting of a pod of common dolphins! A spectacular way to start our trip. As we made our way into deeper water, we were surprised by another unlikely encounter, a seal feasting on a shy shark. This was an amazing few minutes as we were all eagerly watching the Cape fur seal thrashing the shark around. The trip led us towards the Islands where we were treated to some acrobatics by our Cape Fur Seal colony on Geyser Rock after which we made a short stop at Dyer Island to catch a glimpse of our endangered African Penguin.
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What species did we see today?
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.
African Penguin African Penguin
As one of only 17 penguin species left in the world (and the only one on the african continent), the african penguin often breed in offshore colonies, such as Dyer Island.
Common Dolphin Common Dolphin
With an 'hourgalss' patch on either side and aerial activity the common dolphin is an agile and majestic species, that may easily reach a speed of 40km/h.