Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 21 October

Written by October 21 2022

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 21 October

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 21 October 2022:

The day started overcast but soon the clouds disappeared. This morning we started off with some sightings in Pearly Beach where are during the later tours of the day we spotted the southern right whales closer to Klienbaai harbour. On the first tour, we also has special mother and calf pair as both were brindle. We also got to see the endangered African penguins on Dyer Island as well as juveniles swimming about. The Cape fur seal colony was fun to watch, some big males also start appearing on the island as mating season is just around the corner. And of course we did not miss out on the bronze whaler sharks by Slashfin.

Trip 1 & 2.

Trip 3.

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Cape Fur seals

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Cape Fur seals

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Cape Fur seals

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, African Penguins

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Bronze Whaler shark & Kelp Gull

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Bronze Whaler shark

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Southern Right whale

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Southern Right whale

Whale Watching, Gansbaai, South Africa, Southern Right whale

Trip 4.

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

whale watching, gamsbaai, south africa, southern right whales

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