Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 22 May

Written by May 22 2024

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 22 May

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 22 May 2024:

Welcoming both our trips aboard Dream Catcher and we are ready to head into a day packed with adventure. Heading towards Marine Dynamics Shark cage diving vessel Slahsfin we could view some of the incredible Bronze Whaler sharks. Not only were the sharks investigating the divers in the cage but also our vessel. And we got so lucky to spot a short-tail stingray too! We also had two customers on board the first trip that we had to drop off by Dyer Island – two juvenile African penguins, who finished their rehabilitation at the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary. The Cape fur seals were as always super active in the cool waters of Shark Alley whereas others were relaxing and sleeping on Geyser Rock. On the first trip. we ventured into the deeper waters and got lucky to find a Bryde’s whale, which was a touch shy, but we still managed to get some glimpses of it.

Trip 1.

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin

african penguin, whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

cape fur seal, whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

cape fur seal, whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

cape fur seal, whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

Trip 2.

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whale shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Tern

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Cape fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Cape fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Cape fur seals kelp

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, African Penguins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, African Penguin


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