Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 04 February

Written by February 4 2025

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 04 February

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 04 February 2025:

What a wonderful day out at sea we had! Welcoming our guests aboard Dream Catcher we had a sunny and calm day ahead of us. Shortly after leaving Kleinbaai Harbour behind us, we quickly stopped after spotting one of the critically endangered African Penguins. We continued our way down coastal areas where we spotted a pod of the endangered Indian Ocean humpback dolphins close to the natural estuary, one of their favourite hangout spots. The Shark cage diving boats were not anchored far off, allowing us to visit them after a short ride. Several Bronze whaler sharks were seen not just investigating the divers in the cage but also approaching our vessel which gave our guests some unbeatable views of the species. The island system was another stop on our itinerary. We approached Dyer Island closer to grand some more looks at our African Penguins. The Cape fur seals were out and about today but to say the least, Geyser Rock with its population of 60.000 Fur seals will never be empty! We made our way into deeper waters towards the end of the trip. Not long after, we spotted a Bryde’s whale pair. Casually swimming alongside the boat and coming up for air several times left our guests and crew in awe! Once again, thanks everyone for joining our Marine Big 5 trips!


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, African Penguins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler sharks

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler sharks

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, African Penguins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, African Penguins

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Cape fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Cape fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bryde's whales


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