Saturday cruise! Marine Big 5 Daily Blog
Written by May 1 2021

On Saturday’s tour we were heading towards the Birkenhead Rock, which is just off the the Danger Point peninsula. Out there in the deeper water we soon saw a spout of a whale and were delighted to see it is a young humpback whale, which was showing its fluke and rolling on its side. In the same area we also spotted a variety of seabirds including Cape Gannets, White-chinned Petrel and Skuas. Before we reached the Cape Fur seal colony we spotted a Bryde’s whale surfacing a couple of times and after having seen the Cape Fur seals and Dyer Island up close we slowly made our way back towards Kleinbaai harbour.
What species did we see today?
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
Brydes Whale Brydes Whale
The mysterious Bryde's whales visit the Dyer Island area throughout the year, with most sightings occurring during summer into winter.
African Penguin African Penguin
As one of only 17 penguin species left in the world (and the only one on the african continent), the african penguin often breed in offshore colonies, such as Dyer Island.
Cape Gannet Cape Gannet
Well documented for their aireal displays, experiences with with the famous Cape Gannet are always breath taking, and hold a special place in every photographers portfolio.
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.