Whale of a time and a rainbow! Marine Big 5 Daily Blog
Written by June 1 2021

Just before we were about to launch a slight rain shower moved over Kleinbaai, but it cleared up quickly and the clouds were opening up as we were launching and heading to sea. Just outside the harbour we saw a couple of feeding terns and other seabirds. Further along the way we spotted two Bryde’s whales and a third one on our way to Dyer Island. The Bryde’s whale was so relaxed around our vessel, even swimming upside down. After such an amazing encounter we continued to the island but were unable to reach it immediately as we spotted some more marine wildlife along the way, three humpback whales breaching several times and slapping their extremely long flippers onto the surface and as we were about to head off, we had a brief look at some sunfish. Cruising through shark Alley we were watching the Cape Fur seals as a beautiful rainbow started to appear on the sky. And on our way back we have been lucky to see a Great white shark at the cage diving boats. We had a awesome day at sea, which we will cherish for long time!
What species did we see today?
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale
One of the best-known whale species, they are renowned for their acrobatic behaviour and complex melodious song as well as extremely long flippers and are a special favourite of Dyer Island Cruises guests and crew alike.
African Penguin African Penguin
As one of only 17 penguin species left in the world (and the only one on the african continent), the african penguin often breed in offshore colonies, such as Dyer Island.
Cape fur seal Cape fur seal
With a local population of 60,000, it's no wonder our guests capture so many photographs of these wonderfully playful marine mammals.
Brydes Whale Brydes Whale
The mysterious Bryde's whales visit the Dyer Island area throughout the year, with most sightings occurring during summer into winter.
Great white sharks Great white sharks
Gracious, beautiful, misunderstood - three words used by guests of Dyer Island Cruises after witnessing South Africa's most infamous marine species: The Great White Shark.