Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 18 November

Written by November 18 2024

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 18 November

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 18 November 2024:

What a sunny day out at sea! All our trips launched out of Kleinbaai Harbour where we started quite nicely on one of the trips with a brief sighting of a sunfish, that unfortunately took an instant dive but was still very exciting and rare. On the first trip, we encountered a pod of the endangered Indian Ocean Humpback dolphins! Staying around and close to the boat our guests got amazing views. Several pairs of Southern Right whales could be seen in Pearly Beach, which brought great excitement so close to the end of whale season. Shortly after entering Shark Alley a few newborn Cape fur seals, usually born in the peak season of December, could already be seen on Geyser Rock, while the big bulls are still looking for females to mate with. Heading over to Dyer Island several of the endangered African Penguins were gathered on white boulders to soak in all the sun. Within the Shallows, a few Shark cage diving boats including Marine Dynamics Shark cage diving vessel Slashfin, were anchored and granted some nice views of the incredible Bronze whaler sharks cutting through the surface with their copper-coloured dorsal fins.


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, penguins on dyer island

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, dyer island

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, whales

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, bronze whaler sharks


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, fur seals

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal in the water

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, penguin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, penguin and cormorant

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale
whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Southern Right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

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