Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 6 June

Written by June 6 2023

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 6 June

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 06 June 2023:

The start of the whale season hitting us hard! We started our trip with some incredible bird action with Cape Gannets performing by torpedoing into the water for the fish. We also spotted a sunfish doing their own kind of hunting: swallowing the Portuguese man-o-war from the surface. To round up we also found ourselves surrounded by Bryde’s whales, spouting close and far from us. These whales were rather shy so we headed to the island. And as we moved forward we came across a mating group of Humpback whales! Four of them gave us some incredible sightings! And as we almost made our way to Dyer Island, we spotted another group of Humpback whales! What a trip! With all the excitement we didn’t forget to release 5 African penguins just by the island and enjoyed some Cape fur seals by Geyser Rock. As we got to the sister company, Marine Dynamics we spotted two different species of sharks: Great white and some bronze whalers. Pretty happy with our trip sightings we made our way back to the harbour. However, nature had a different plan! Just next to the harbour we spotted something rather if not uncommon but definitely rare: two Orcas, Port and Starboard just moving on the edge of the kelp forest! Incredible day, incredible animals that we saw!


whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, mola mola

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, mola mola

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, bryde's whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, cape gannet

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, cape gannet

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, cape gannet

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, humpback whale

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, cape fur seal

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, cape fur seal

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, african penguin

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, africa penguin

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, white shark

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, orca

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, orca

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, orca

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, orca

whale watching, south africa, gansbaai, dyer island, orca


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