A whale and dolphins! Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 19 April

Written by April 19 2022

A whale and dolphins! Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 19 April

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 19 April 2022:

After a slow cruise along the shallow waters and beyond a reef system we have spotted a Bryde’s whale. It was an incredible encounter as the whale was travelling relaxed alongside our vessel and surfacing close by. While watching the whale we also spotted some of the endangered African Penguins. At Geyser Rock we all had a great time observing the Cape Fur seals speeding through the water, while others were sleeping on the island. At Dyer Island, we saw more penguins and on our way back we encountered a small group of common dolphins. The dolphins surfaced a few times before they disappeared in the ocean.

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai flying Skua

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  Skua

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  surfacing bryde's whale

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  bryde's whale dorsal fin

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  endnagered penguins

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  geyser rock

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  posing cape fur seal

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  cape fur seal

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  kelp gull juvenile

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  penguins on Dyer Island

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  common dolphins

Whale Watching South Africa Gansbaai  subantarctic skua



Tripadvisor – https://bit.ly/2YZ0jDR

Google – https://g.page/r/Caej8uYZYnR8EBE/review

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WhaleWatchSA


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