Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 08 November

Written by November 8 2023

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 08 November

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 08 November 2023:

Another day out at sea with some amazing sightings ahead of us! Leaving Kleinbaai Harbour we cruised along the coastal areas and hoped for some more amazing encounters. As usual, we did not get disappointed. Several southern right whales were spotted throughout the day and our guests got some great looks at this beautiful species. On some of our trips, we were even lucky enough to have spotted either Bottlenose or humpback dolphins. Letting them be after spending some time with them we made our way over to the Shark cage diving vessels where we got a glimpse of our beloved Bronze Whaler sharks. Shortly after it was time to head over to Geyser Rock and Dyer Island. Several Cape fur seals showed up in front of the boat and of course, numerous seals were on the island relaxing. Before it was time to head back to Kleinbaai Harbour we stopped by Dyer Island to get some nice views of the endangered African Penguins.


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale cow and calf

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale head

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale mother and calf

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale guests

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal pup

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Humpback dolphin dorsal fin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, kelp gull flying

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark under the surface

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale head

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale mother

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, people watching southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale calf breaching

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale breaching

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal in water

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal colony

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark cage diving

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin in the water

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale brindle

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, person very happy

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale fluke

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale head

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, bottlenose dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, bottlenose dolphins swimming

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal colony

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale V-shaped blow

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguinon Dyer Island


whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale head

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, southern right whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin cape comorant

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark dorsal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark


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