Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 22 January

Written by January 22 2023

Marine Big 5 Daily Blog 22 January

Whale Watching near Cape Town, South Africa Welcome to Gansbaai, home of the Marine Big 5.

Trip Summary 22 January 2023:

A wildlife-filled day out in the bay with an abundance of seabirds, fish, and marine mammals seen throughout our trip. We started our tour along the coastal waters of the bay and encountered a Sunfish in the northern corner as we moved along, we also had views of large groups of Cape Cormorants on the sea as well as two Cape fur seals feeding on a small Pyjama shark, a fantastic start to the trip but there was much more in store for us. We encountered three Indian Ocean Humpback dolphins on the Southern end of the bay and whilst shy and very much hidden amongst the kelp we tried our best to give all our guests views of these elusive species. On to the Shallows where the shark cage diving boats were enjoying a successful day, we met up with our sister company, Marine Dynamics, and shared views of the Bronze whaler sharks that were visiting their boat. We covered the Island system with a few penguins seen on Dyer Island along with a raft of five adult penguins in the water and many Cape fur seals on Geyser Rock and in the alley and out to sea. The deeper waters surrounding the bay help multiple treats for us with two separate sightings of Bryde’s whales as well as a large pod of active, fast-moving Common dolphins. Overall, a stellar day out and about in the bay for the Dyer Island Cruises team and guests alike.

Trip 1

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Sunfish

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal eating shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal eating shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, Bronze whaler shark

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, african penguin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, cape fur seal

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, bryde's whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, bryde's whale

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, common dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, common dolphin

whale watching, gansbaai, south africa, common dolphin

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